Privacy Statement E.T.S Method

E.T.S. Method, Jacqueline Moulen ('''we''), located in the Netherlands, based in the Netherlands, is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement.

E.T.S Method considers careful processing of personal data to be of the utmost importance. Personal data is carefully processed and secured. When processing, we comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR"). This Privacy Statement sets out how we collect and use your data, in accordance with the GDPR.

In this Privacy Statement we explain which personal data we collect and use, and for what purpose we do this. We recommend that you read this Privacy Statement carefully. This Privacy Statement applies to our website, (HTTP: and related websites and Services.

Use of Personal Data

If you use websites and related Services that E.T.S. Method offers, you can share personal data with us. We collect and use personal data that you, or your company, share directly with us. We will not use the personal data for purposes other than those described in this statement unless you have given your prior consent.

Type of data collected

When you use our services we can collect the following information:

  • Name and Surname
  • Adress
  • Phone number
  • E-mailadres
  • IP-adress
  • Other personal data that you actively provide, for example by creating a profile on this website, in correspondence and by telephone
  • Information about your activities on our website
  • Data about your surfing behavior across different websites (for example because this company is part of an advertising network)
  • Internet browser and device type
  • Bank account number

Reasons for processing

We generally process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Handling your payment
  • Sending our newsletter and/or advertising brochure
  • To be able to call or email you if this is necessary to provide our services
  • To inform you about changes to our services and products
  • E.T.S Method analyzes your behavior on the website in order to improve the website and tailor the range of products and services to your preferences.
  • E.T.S. Method also processes personal data if we are legally obliged to do so, such as data that we need for our tax return.

We collect your personal data on the basis of legitimate interests or your consent, which you can withdraw at any time.

Retention of personal data

We store your personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes of this Privacy Statement. In general, we store personal data of our website visitors for 18 months. 

Your rights

You have the right to inspect the information we process. If you wish, you can contact us directly. We ensure that we provide you with a copy of the data we process about you. We may need to verify your identity to fulfill your request. If you believe that the information provided that we process about you is incorrect, you can contact us to update your information. You also have the right to object to data processing. If you want us to delete your information, you can inform us at any time. You can contact us at any time regarding these requests. We will always respond in a timely manner, in accordance with the GDPR. If you are not satisfied with the answer you receive, you can submit your complaint to the relevant supervisor.

Delen met anderen

We will not share your information with others without your permission, unless this is necessary in the context of the execution of the agreement that you, or your organization, has concluded with us, or unless this is a legal obligation.

Transfer of personal data

To achieve the purposes described in this Privacy Statement, we may transfer your data outside the EEA. If this is the case, we will take the appropriate measures to ensure that personal data is properly secured. For transfers to the United States, we ensure that such US party complies with the Privacy Shield. For other transfers, we may transfer your data to a country recognized by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of protection with respect to Personal Data.


We want to be able to offer you relevant and personal information in a user-friendly way. We use different types of cookies on our websites for this purpose. For example, we place cookies that are necessary for the functioning of the site. This includes the ability to respond, the operation of spam filters, video playback and caching to make the website faster. We also use analytical cookies that do not infringe your privacy.

In general, cookies are stored for the duration of the (browser) session. In addition, your IP address may be stored in the log files of our web server when you use our Services. This is necessary to properly manage and secure our Services. We do not use your IP address to track or register your online behavior. Typically, we are unable to link your IP address to your name, address or other identifying information unless you provide us with such information and continue to use the same IP address.

You can unsubscribe from cookies by setting your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete all information previously stored via the settings of your browser.


We ensure that your personal data is protected against loss or unlawful processing. We have taken, among other things, the following technical and organizational measures:

  • Logical access control, use of passwords and possibly a second factor;
  • Encryption of data;
  • Pseudonymization of data;
  • The use of Virtual Private Servers (VPN) accessible with the SSH key;
  • Overdrachten alleen over SSL; Transfers over SSL only;
  • Purpose-bound access restrictions;
  • Checking recognized authorizations.

Third-Party Websites and Services

Our Services include activities related to providing software that allows our customers to build their own professional websites. Our customers determine what type of data they collect on or through their website. We only process such data on behalf of our customers. If you have any questions about information that our customers collect on or through their website, you can contact the organization that set up the website. Our customers determine which other services or plug-ins they use. This Privacy Statement does not apply to such other services or plug-ins, nor third-party websites visited via links. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data securely and reliably. We advise you to read the privacy statements of these parties.

Terms and Conditions  

E.T.S. Method - Equilibrium Therapies Solutions

1. Definitions

    The term "You" refers to the users of any sites and mediums, while "We" or "Us" refers to E.T.S Method, Equilibrium Therapies Solutions, Never.Smoke.Again, Jacqueline Moulen affiliates and employees. The word "Site" refers to all of the sites operated by Jacqueline Moulen on the World Wide Web, and the term "Content" encompasses all information and other materials available online and offline.  

    2. The products

    All the hypnotherapy products offered by Equilibrium Therapies Solutions and Jacqueline Moulen (from here on referred to as E.T.S. Method) include but are not limited to audio recordings, written materials, and any other content designed for therapeutic and coaching purposes.

    3. Suitability and use

    The Products are intended for personal development and well-being and are not a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice or treatment. You cannot rely solely on the information or products found on our website or any other outlet from E.T.S Method (social media, sales pages including but not solely our website) as a replacement for professional medical advice. In the event of any particular questions or concerns about your health or a medical condition, we strongly urge you to seek advice from your doctor or other healthcare provider without any delay. Do not neglect medical advice or discontinue treatment based on information found on our website or out products. 

    The Customer acknowledges that individual responses to hypnotherapy may vary, and the effectiveness of the Products depends on various factors, including the Customer's commitment to the process.

    Hypnotherapy is a type of treatment that aims to solve significant past events that are believed to be affecting a person's current mental, physical and emotional well-being. However, only individuals who have stable mental health and are confident that revisiting past events will not have any adverse effects on their emotional or mental health should take part in this therapy. We strongly advise against participating in hypnotherapy if you or your healthcare providers have any past or existing concerns about your mental health. Physical and mental conditions that exclude you from (but are not limited to)  using our products that are not overseen directly by a practising therapist include, active trauma, PTTS, pregnancy and Epilepsia. If in doubt, always seek medical advice from your healthcare provider. 

    The products should always be used in a safe environment and not be used whilst driving or participating in traffic in any way, whilst under the influence of any substances, whilst being charged with the care of dependants, or operating any machinery that can cause harm to yourself or your surroundings, or whilst being submerged in water (i.e. but not exlsuively, shower, bath and swimming pool). 

    4. Ownership and Licensing:

    The Products and all related intellectual property rights are owned by E.T.S. Method and Purchasing the Products grants the Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable license for personal use only. Any product or parts cannot be copied or used for resale purposes. 

    The Customer agrees not to reproduce, distribute, or resell the Products in any form without the express written consent of E.T.S. Method and Jacqueline Moulen.

    By accessing the content provided, you agree that it is solely for your personal use and should only be accessed on your own devices. Additionally, you agree not to copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, transmit, or create any derivative works of the content. It is not permissible to commercially exploit any E.T.S Method's products or programs or use them for your own commercial purposes. Therefore, you are not authorised to market or sell any of these products as part of your business.

    5. Purchase, Payment and Pricing

    Please note that the prices listed on E.T.S. Method, Never.Smoke.Again, and other E.T.S websites are shown in Euros by default. It is essential to review your order summary carefully before making a purchase. Please remember that we are not responsible for any exchange rate fluctuations if your home currency differs from Euros. If your currency is not in Euros, the price shown on your payment statement will reflect the actual price at the time of purchase. The currency and amount will be displayed before you make your payment.

    The Customer agrees to provide accurate and up-to-date information for all purchases.

    Payments for the Products are processed securely through Plug and Pay. E.T.S. Method does not store or have access to the Customer's payment details. Please note that Plug and Pay, a third party service provider, will be storing your details and will be using them for each successive billing period. It is important to note that we are not responsible for your data with Plug and Pay. If you have any concerns regarding your data, you should review the privacy policy for Plug and Pay, which can be found here:

    You are responsible for paying any additional fees associated with credit card payments.

    6. Delivery and Access:

    Upon successful payment, the Customer will receive access to the purchased Products via download or other specified delivery methods.

    E.T.S. Method is not responsible for technical issues or limitations affecting the Customer's ability to access the Products. We will do our best to resolve any technical issues within our abilities to ensure the correct use of our products.

    Due to the nature of the digital content, returns are generally not accepted. However, E.T.S. Method will review individual cases on merit.

    Appointments made and cancelled will not be refunded. If notified 48 hours in advance, a suitable timeslot will be offered according to the availability of our agenda. 

    We cannot provide a faultless website and do not undertake to do so. Faults may occur, leading to the temporary unavailability of the site or partner sites on which our products are made available. Factors outside our control may negatively affect The site's operation, such as transmission and telecommunications links.

    7. Customer Responsibilities:

    It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that the Products they purchase are appropriate for their requirements and are used in accordance with any instructions provided. E.T.S. Method cannot be held accountable for any negative effects or outcomes that may arise from the Customer's use or misuse of the Products.

    8. Privacy Policy and data protection

    E.T.S. Method collects and processes personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy. By using the Products, the Customer consents to such processing.

    Governing Law: These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands. 

    By purchasing and using the Products, the Customer acknowledges that they have taken notice of these terms and conditions, the data protection policy and the laws and rules that affect their purchase.
    For a complete disclosure of our privacy policy, please refer to this link.

    9. Liability
    By using the site and our products, you agree that we are not liable for any loss or damage arising from your use or reliance on any content or information obtained through the site. This includes any bookings or purchases made through the site. Our liability is limited to cases of death or personal injury caused by our negligence. We are not liable for any consequential or monetary losses, such as loss of profits or loss of business, even if we were informed of the possibility of such losses.

    10. Cookies
    A cookie is a small piece of data that a website sends to your web browser and is stored on your computer's hard drive. When you revisit the website, the server recognises the cookie and can provide information about your last visit. While most browsers automatically accept cookies, you can usually change your browser settings to prevent this. E.T.S websites, including this one, may use cookies to ease signing in and store data for future use purposes.

    11. Changes to these terms and conditions
    It is possible that we modify these terms and conditions from time to time. If you continue to use the site and our products after such modifications, you will be considered to have accepted them. It's your responsibility to check regularly to see if any changes have been made, if you continue to use the site and information we provide and you have not checked the updated terms and conditions, no claims can be made on that basis. If you don't agree with any of the changes, you must stop using the site immediately.